Thursday 9 August 2007

F i r s t D a y, F i r s t C l a s s & F i r s t P r e s e n t a t i o n

17th July - First Day on Campus

Picked up by university representatives, went to Waurrn Ponds campus for enrollment, then to the Waterfront Campus at Geelong (this is actually the faculty for Architecture). Met with some staff at the office, filled up the enrollment form, checked up the class and there you go, the first class of the day.....guessed what, studio time..

Went in the lecture, then tutorials at studio, being given our site and site visit. And "wallah...", our first group presentation right after the site visit...what? Presentation on my first day and my first class?

Turned out quite well, just an informal presentation, still gonna lubricate my rusty brain to work....come on, come on, some ideas please....


Anonymous said...

Well written article.

katunX said...
